[ARCHIVE] Test Net Release Schedule

We are excited to announce the Aion Testnet release schedule. Through the Beta Testing phase, code will be publicly released, binaries will be available, and the community will grow.

There are two major streams to the Test Net release, (1) the Beta Testing group and (2) the code release schedule.

Beta Testing Group

On Thursday, February 1st, a sign up form will be opened for the community to participate in the Beta Testing group. Those interested in participating will fill out a quick form with some background information, experience, and interests. On February 5th the first beta group participants will receive access to the Test Net binaries. As we receive additional sign-ups they will be added to the beta group. We ask that all beta participants actively engage in the Aion Forum and contribute by submitting tickets and fixes on the Aion Network Github. As early Beta group contributors, your participation is critical to the success of the project. The Beta group size will scale up along with the size of the Test Net, providing concrete data and valuable feedback on the network’s performance. The beta phase is essential for us to successfully perform our engineering process focused on prioritizing quality and due diligence in our code.

The Beta testing phase will be active until the end of February.

Code Release

During the beta testing period, code modules will be gradually open-sourced and published on the Aion Network Github. The complete code base for open source development will be published by end of February.

In addition, Aion Documentation (user manual, specifications..etc) and the Monetary Strategy paper will be released during this period to supplement the Aion Github wikis.

Public announcements will accompany each module’s release.

Open Test Net

In early March, following the close of the Beta testing phase — the sign-up process will be removed and the Test Net will be openly available to download. The first version of the Aion Wallet and Aion Explorer will also be available for testing at this time.

We really appreciate the support of the community as we work together to build this network with a disciplined engineering approach as our top priority.


Github: https://github.com/aionnetwork/

Aion Forum: https://forum.aion.network/

Aion Founder Matt Spoke discusses the test net release

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