[ARCHIVE] Microsoft Azure Lists AionNode

Microsoft Azure, the cloud computing service listing over 600 applications in its marketplace, has officially listed AionNode. The AionNode listing on Azure will facilitate the process of developer set-up while reducing the physical infrastructure one would require to build on the Aion blockchain.

Azure launched in 2010 and currently offers services for the deployment and configuration of Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric blockchains, as well as various other blockchain platforms. AionNode will enable users to deploy their own node and run the Aion kernel on the Azure hosted cloud, allowing for users to select virtual system configurations of 1–128 cores and 1–3800 GB of RAM. This marks a huge step in making Aion more accessible and scalable for its users.

Individuals who wish to launch their node on Microsoft Azure will first need to register as an Azure member, then select their desired virtual machine and system configurations found under “Plans and Pricing.” For those interested,

AionNode can be found here: https://azuremarketplace.microsoft.com/en-in/marketplace/apps/nuco-networks.aionnode?tab=Overview

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