On Wednesday April 25, 2018, Aion mainnet will officially launch with the release of the Kilimanjaro network. It has been a very exciting road to this point, and big thank you to the community! For all those participating in the testnet, your feedback and efforts are exceptional.
The Kilimanjaro network launch event will be live streamed at 10AM ET, so keep an eye on our social channels for the link. Shortly following the live event the node and reference miner resources will be released on the Aion Github. More details about the release will be available on our forum.
With the launch of Kilimanjaro Network, Aion sets the foundation for blockchain interoperability. In months following Kilimanjaro release, the Aion Token Bridge will be deployed. The Aion Token Bridge is built for transferring AION (ERC-20) tokens on Ethereum to flow seamlessly into and become native AION coins.
Thanks again to all the community for your support. Be sure to tune into the mainnet launch live stream, and see you at AionEX in Toronto on May 2nd!
The following is a summary of what is being released:
Aion Phase 1: Kilimanjaro Release
Virtual Machine — FastVM with EVM Source Compatibility
Aion FastVM is an enhanced Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), featuring 128-bit data word size for better performance. It uses LLVM JIT as execution engine and runs decentralized application at native speed. Due to the architecture change, the instruction set and the energy cost of each instruction has been optimized. In addition, solidity compiler has been updated so that it can generate code for the Aion FastVM.
Aion Proof of Work — Equihash 210_9
The Kilimanjaro Release utilizes an optimized equihash consensus algorithm we’ve named Equihash210_9. This is a modification to the equihash algorithm, which doubles the memory requirement while achieving the required block times.
Aion Core — Multi-Chain Framework, Wire Protocol (P2P), Tx Pool, Event Manager
Aion Core is a collection of foundational modules necessary to run the Aion blockchain. The multi-chain framework contains the foundational structure for the modules that constitute the Aion blockchain. The Aion Wire module is a peer-to-peer (P2P) communications protocol. This protocol sets the standard for how Aion nodes interface between themselves by defining communication message structures. Event Manager (RPL) is the serialization solution, encoding arrays of binary data in a structure for Aion core.
Aion APIs — Java API, Web3 API Compatibility
The Aion Web3 repo provides the tools for using the Aion compatible Web3 API. It contains the setup instructions, tutorial content, example use-cases and test multi-sig wallet. The API repo contains a Java implementation of the Aion blockchain kernel application programming interface, built using Java 8. It uses the ZMQ Java binding as the network transfer layer protocol for improved stability, reliability and security. This repo will also contain future API implementations.
Aion Interchain — Token Bridge and Interchain Communication
The Token Bridge is being developed for a post Kilimanjaro release. The Token Bridge is built for the purpose of migrating AION ERC-20 token supply from Ethereum to native AION coins on Kilimanjaro using a trustless interchain mechanism.
Aion’s full roadmap including the Denali and Everest releases is available on its website.
Join us Wednesday April 25, 2018 for the Aion Network mainnet official launch of the Kilimanjaro network via live stream starting at 10AM ET.