[ARCHIVE] Aion Open Source Release

Today is the day! All code for the Aion PoW release is now open-source and published on Github.

To participate in the Public Beta Test Net, download the binary here and refer to the Aion Wiki for system requirements and installation instructions.

Since, May 2017 when the engineering team kicked off Aion development they have worked tirelessly to write over 200,000 lines of code for the Aion Kernel alone, pushed over 2,000 commits and established 8 module repos on Github.

Private Aion Github before open-source release

Now available on the Aion Foundation Github, are the following 8 repos:

Aion Core

The repo for the main Aion Kernel implementation and releases. This includes the P2p protocol, multi-chain framework, RLP, crypto library and database implementation. Latest Aion Kernel binaries are accessible in the releases section of this repo. Contains documentation and wikis for installation guide, network configuration and building your own Aion Network.


The FastVM repo contains the implementation of our enhanced Ethereum Virtual Machine. Major improvements include the reduction of the data word size to 128-bit and the utilization of LLVM JIT as the execution engine. Contains wikis and documentation for specifications, Embed Aion FastVM and Smart Contract Migration Guide.

In-depth explanation of FastVM: https://blog.aion.network/aionfastvm-c5ccd1628da0


The Aion Miner repo contains the two reference miner implementations; external CPU and external GPU (CUDA) along with the solo pool reference. It also contains the specifications for our Equihash2109 algorithm, a hardened version of Equihash for increased ASIC resistance.

In-depth explanation of Aion Miner: https://blog.aion.network/aionminermodule-fe82196eeab4


The Aion Web3 repo provides the tools for using the Aion compatible Web3 API. It contains the setup instructions, tutorial content, example use-cases and test multi-sig wallet.


The interchain repo contains the initial high-level overview of the AION ERC-20 token to native AION Coin bridge. This repo will contain additional code and documentation as the implementation progresses.


The API repo contains a Java implementation of the Aion blockchain kernel application programming interface, built using Java 8. It uses the ZMQ Java binding as the network transfer layer protocol for improved stability, reliability and security. This repo will also contain future API implementations.


Contains the AION ERC-20, token sale, and Token Release Schedule (TRS) contracts.


Repo containing all the papers, policies and research documentation

We are tremendously excited to have achieved this engineering milestone. Stay tuned for an update on the public beta test net and bounty program in the next few days.

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The blog for the digital asset of The Open Application Network